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Actuarial Services

Services Actuarial Services Post Employment Employee Benefits Many employers provide post employment benefits such as pensions, severance benefits, long service rewards or medical benefits as a tool to attract, retain and care for the well being of loyal employees. Many countries further require employers by law to provide certain minimum level of long service rewards […]
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Risk Analysis and Quantification

Services Risk Analysis and Quantification Most businesses used financial forecasting on Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) / Net Present Value (NPV) models to access profitability of their projects. These methods are good if everything can be predicted with absolute certainty. Not all projects are equal in terms of risk. Would running a few scenarios give you […]
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Real Options and Decision Analysis

Services Real Options and Decision Analysis Real Options Analysis has become a key management tool for many of today’s businesses. It is an accurate method for estimating the value of corporate investments, and it can be effectively utilised in situations where management has flexibility in large capital budget decisions with high uncertainties. It is not […]
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Financial Modelling

Services Investment Advisory Services According to academic research, more than 80% of a portfolio return is derived from asset allocation among different asset classes. So before you begin choosing a fund manager or which investments to make, it is critical to have the right asset allocation and investment policies in place. Real Consulting provides risk […]
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Employee Share Options

Services Employee Share Options Employee share ownership has become an important component of today’s corporate incentive strategies. Until recently, few companies with share-based compensation schemes such as employee share options, phantom stocks, and share appreciation rights, have taken their true costs into consideration. New accounting requirements In order to properly recognise the costs of these […]
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Capital / Resource Optimisation

Services Capital / Resource Optimisation You have many potential investments or projects at hand, yet limited resources (such as capital, people or resources) are available. How would you choose which investments or projects to engage? How much resources should you to commit to each of them? How would you achieve optimal results? Should your decision […]
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Asset Liability Management

Services Asset Liability Management Asset Liability Management (ALM) was pioneered by financial institutions as they faces mismatched asset and liability risks. Because the firms’ capital is relatively small compared to the size of the assets and liabilities, small changes in the assets and/or liabilities can lead to significant changes to their capital. The problem is […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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