ESO Toolkit

Real Consulting offers a range of software which allows clients to create their own valuation models based on the specific situation of each business. Our software will allow your company to calculate its own risk options, saving time and money! More importantly, doing it right.

Our software is developed by Dr. Johnathan Mun, advisor to FASB on FAS 123.
Use the same software FASB uses! Software was used by FASB to create the valuation example in the 2004 FAS 123 (Appendix A87).
Our software can also be used for valuating ESO under other accounting standards such as IFRS2 and HKFRS2.
Our software models both closed-form models (Black-Scholes) as well as different binomial and trinomial lattices.
Theories are all covered extensively in the author's books and articles - use the published books/research to successfully defend an audit
All equations are visible within Excel when creating your own option valuation models.
Costs a lot less than expensive consultants... have the ability to check their work instead!
Have the ability to compare the naïve Black-Scholes versus more sophisticated binomial lattice results (FASB's preferred method).
American Closed-Form Models
Binomial and Trinomial Lattices
European Black-Scholes
Create your own custom options
Blackout Periods
Changing Forfeiture Rates
Changing Risk-free Rates
Changing Volatilities
Forfeiture Rates (Pre- and Post-vesting)
Stock Price Barrier Requirements
Suboptimal Exercise Behaviour Multiple
Vesting Periods
All Other Exotic Variables

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)