Free Introduction to Real Options

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Free Introduction to Real Options

Real Consulting offers a series of courses that designed to help your business to analyse and quantify risks faced by your company and how to incorporate risk management strategies for success. Our courses are presented in joint partnership between Real Consulting and Real Options Valuation, Inc., a US-based company.

Summary of Free Introduction to Real Options

Real Options has become a key management tool for many of today’s businesses. It is accurate method of estimating the value of corporate investments, and it can be effectively utilised in situations where management has flexibility in large capital budget decisions with high uncertainties.

Traditional analysis such as Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) and Net Present Value (NPV) are incapable of incorporating future risks and management flexibilities into the analysis. As a result, optimal decisions are often disregarded due to poor analyses. In other words, every time you made a capital budget decision, you are leaving money on the table.

This is a free seminar to introduce the real options analytical framework. Learn why many Fortune 500 companies are now adopting this new analytical approach and how you can apply them in your businesses.

This course covers the following topics:

Introducing Real Options Analysis, an integrated risk management process - a shift in paradigm from traditional analysis
Learn how Fortune 500 companies are making their capital budget decisions
Increase your success in making strategic investment decisions
How can you make value-driven decisions for corporate investments when the outcomes are so hard to forecast?
How can you account for the uncertainty in the valuation? Risk? Flexibility? Intangibles? Strategic Decisions?
Introduce innovative analytical tools:
Monte Carlo Simulation, Forecasting, Real Options, Optimisation
Focus of the seminar will be on software applications and capital investments, portfolio allocation, and R&D investments
Free / Prior Reservation Required

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)