

Overview of Services

Real Consulting provides risk management solutions to increase the odds of your business success. We are one of Asia’s leading risk management specialists, trusted by major companies to provide the best advice to help them plan ahead. Using cutting edge technology, Real Consulting calculates your strategic values and helps your business formulate a strategy for success.

For the first time in history, risk strategies can be quantified- something that cannot be done until recent advances in technologies. Traditional Net Present Value (NPV) / Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analyses can only provide a static picture of a current situation, and it provides little insight into possible consequences. We are not satisfied with running a few scenario analyses as we believe they provide no meaning without perspectives of risks. Our advanced technologies offer in-depth simulations to obtain risk likelihoods so that strategic values can be prepared, resulting in huge implications for each and every industry.

Numbers do the speaking – especially to shareholders and in the boardroom.

By combining our risk expertise with our full range of actuarial and investment advisory services, we are able to provide your business with the information it needs to get the most out of the future. Expert risk management can make the difference between capitalising on a risky opportunity and avoiding a catastrophe. Real Consulting has the proven expertise and experience to analyse risks and manage them to your best advantage.

Don’t leave your business to chance.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)