Overview of our Courses

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Overview of our Courses

Real Consulting offer a series of courses that are designed to help your business to incorporate risk management strategies for success.

Real Options has become a key management tool for many of today’s businesses. It is accurate method of estimating the value of corporate investments, and it can be effectively utilised in situations where management has flexibility in large capital budget decisions with high uncertainties. Many Fortune 500 companies have already adopted our methodologies and technologies as their critical capital decision analysis in their businesses.

Sample companies that have been though our training seminars worldwide including 3M, Accenture, AIG, Allstate Insurance, Airbus, Alexion, Aquia Trading, AT&T, Boeing, Chevron Texaco, Duke Energy, Eli Lily, GE, GE Capital, Glaxo SmithKline, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Lloyds Bank, Motorola, Philips, Pioneer, Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Seagate, Schlumberger, Shell, Sprint, Sunoco, Syngenta, Timken, Total Elf Fina, Washington Gas, and many others!

Currently we offer the following Courses in joint partnerships with Real Options Valuation, Inc., a US-based company:

This is a 1-day seminar geared toward executives, managers, and decision makers covering a high-level overview of risk analysis and real options analysis, real-life business cases and applications in multinational firms, problem framing of strategic options, asking the right questions and due diligence in strategic options, and interpreting the real options results.

This is a 2-day hands-on computer-based course using Risk Simulator, and it covers topics of Monte Carlo simulation, forecasting, optimisation and real-world applications of real options in businesses.

This is a 2-day hands-on computer-based course usingĀ Real Options Super Lattice Solver Software (SLS), covering topics of business applications of real options, various option valuation techniques, framing and solving real options problems.

This is a 4-day hands-on computer course that combines the Risk Analysis Seminar and the Real Options for Analysts Course.

Customised On-site Seminars

Any of the seminars can be customised for onsite delivery for your firm. The advantages include having content specific to your needs, business case applications specific to your industry and immediate requirements, and the ability to openly discuss any proprietary data, models, or strategies (covered under mutual nondisclosure agreements).

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)