Risk Analysis Seminar

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Risk Analysis Seminar (2-days Computer)

Real Consulting offers a series of courses that designed to help your business to analyse and quantify risks faced by your company and how to incorporate risk management strategies for success. Our courses are presented in joint partnership between Real Consulting and Real Options Valuation, Inc., a US-based company.

Summary of Risk Analysis Seminar

Real Options has become a key management tool for many of today’s businesses. It is accurate method of estimating the value of corporate investments, and it can be effectively utilised in situations where management has flexibility in large capital budget decisions with high uncertainties.

This is a 2-day hands-on computer-based course usingĀ Risk Simulator, and it covers topics of Monte Carlo simulation, forecasting, optimisation and real-world applications of real options in businesses. Risk analysis and quantification is an integral part of the Risk Management Process. Before you can manage risks, you need to first understand them.

This course covers the following topics:

Monte Carlo simulation (simulation, nonparametric bootstrap simulation, correlated simulation, truncation, distributional fitting, applied statistics to interpret simulation results, hypothesis testing, data extraction and analysis, multidimensional simulation, pitfalls, and performing due diligence)
Forecasting (time-series forecasting, multivariate regression, nonlinear extrapolation, stochastic process forecasting, Box-Jenkins ARIMA, and forecasting without data)
Optimisation (linear optimisation on continuous and discrete integer decision optimisation, portfolio optimisation, and decision analysis techniques)
Basic Real Options (sample business cases and examples of real options applications, understanding the basics of real options)

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)