Our Process

How we do it - the process

You know your business well but risk is preventing you from engaging in certain projects or making optimal decisions. At Real Consulting, we pride ourselves in our risk technologies and strategies. We recognise the utmost importance of confidentiality due to the sensitive nature of corporate strategies. So before we begin, we sign a non-disclosure agreement and operate to the highest code of professional ethics.

By combining your business knowledge and our risk technologies, we can work with your management team to build financial models and determine risk variables. Using our simulation modelling technologies, we calculate the individual and combined risk levels of your projects. We are not satisfied with only a number of scenario analyses so we run our simulation millions of times using our optimised risk simulation technologies to obtain a high degree of confidence.

This means you don’t need to guess.

Once we have assessed the risks, we formulate strategic options and their values. We arm your business with strategic battle plans to prepare for any future risks. Depending on the need, consultancy assignments will be performed by local consultants or a team of global experts lead by experienced consultants from Real Consulting. This way, you will be able to access the best minds and the best expertise from around the globe. Essentially, we are risk strategists for your business. We assess the risk of your decisions, how can you optimise the value and timing of your decisions and how your business can make best use of the available resources in a given situation.

Real Consulting guarantees total independence and confidentiality to clients.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)